Bridge Module
Advanced Training on Election Observation in Madagascar
In the framework of the European Union funded Preventing Election-related Violence in the SADC region ( and the Programme d'Appui à la Crédibilité et la Transparence des Elections à Madagascar project (, an advanced BRIDGE training module on Election Observation was organised from 20 to 23 November 2013 in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Prior to this training session, a curriculum development workshop was organised between the 15 and 19 November to contextualise BRIDGE materials to the specific needs of the beneficiary observation platforms.
Participants came from the two main domestic observer platforms funded by the European Union, SOCLE and MAHITSY FIJERY, who deployed over 4,200 of the total 5,000 national observers for the first round of the presidential election held on 25th October 2013. The BRIDGE workshop built upon lessons learned during the observation of the first round to reinforce the technical capacities of the beneficiaries. It specifically focused on the platform's needs and requirements in view of the second round of the Presidential Election and the Parliamentary Elections, scheduled 20 December 2013, with particular attention given to voter registration, the observation of the pre-election period and campaign activities, as well as the control of the tabulation of results. During this occasion, a selected number of participants that successfully attended the BRIDGE Train the Facilitator work shop previously held from 16 to 26 July 2013, will get the opportunity to become accredited.