BRIDGE Training Madagascar

Day 1 of modular bridge training on "electoral observation", custom, which will last 4 days, from 20 to 23 November in antananarivo, Madagascar.


For the first day, 32 participants from the 2 Malagasy electoral observation platforms, base and mahitsy fijery, benefited from the training "bridge adapted for election observation". this training was organized jointly by the support project. To the credibility and transparency of the elections in Madagascar, the pact ( and the projet election-related violence in sadc countries (


Last week, in order to prepare future trainers bridge, a curriculum development training was also organized for 3 days to meet the specific needs of the recipient platforms.


The two beneficiary platforms are also funded by the European Union, deploying more than 4200 observers from the 5000 National Observers of the first round of the presidential election of 25 October 2013. This training bridge will see the capitalization of lessons Learned in the first round to strengthen their technical capacity for the second round. Training will focus on the demands and needs of the beneficiary platforms for the second round of presidential and parliamentary elections on 20 December, with particular attention to voter registration, pre-election observation and The election campaign, only on display of results. National Facilitators, who have already completed the training of bridge facilitators from 16 to 26 July 2013, will thus be accredited.