Film Zimbabwe

In the framework of the PEV-SADC project, five new documentaries have been produced by ECES in collaboration with actor and filmmaker Jarreth Merz and Farai Mugano, freelance Zimbabwean filmmaker. This videos focus on the Zimbabwe elections with the aim of documenting the opinions of the Zimbabwean people before and after the July 31st elections, as well as recording the electoral observation activities of SADC ESN observers and finally providing a general documentation on the Zimbabwe elections in general. Zimbabwe is one of the beneficiary countries of the PEV-SADC project, and one of the three SADC countries selected.


Together with Mozambique and DRC, the Zimbabwe election was a key political event in the region covered by the production of a documentary related to the prevention of electoral violence in the SADC region. These 3 documentaries produced will be incorporated as audio-visual training tools by ECES in favor of the organisations of the SADC Electoral Support Network.


The production is led by Jarreth Merz, award-winning director of the movie "An African Election" - a film documenting the 2008 presidential elections in Ghana. Jarreth Merz and ECES will continue to collaborate in the context of the PEV-SADC project and produce another two documentaries for the upcoming local elections in Mozambique and for the local elections in the DRC.