NAM Angola

Assessment Mission in Angola 21 - 26 July


In the framework of the PEV-SADC Project, ECES' experts Fabio Bargiacchi, ECES Executive Director and PEV-SADC Project Director and Eliane Torres, PEV-SADC Senior Capacity Building Advisor conducted a Planning and Assessment Mission (NAM) in Angola between 21 - 26 July 2014. The mission, which was the last to be completed among the 14 beneficiary countries in the SADC region, had the main objective to assess the state of play of Angola's electoral climate and the work that civil society organisations are engaged in vis-a-vis other key players.


This mission meant to give a comprehensive overview on how to gear training activities and research towards the benefit our Angolan partner, the Angola Institute for Electoral System and Democracy (IASED). IASED is one of the electoral observation organizations in Angola that is part of the regional SADC Electoral Support Network (ESN). Luis Jimbo, Executive Director of the IASED, completed  the assessment team with his profound contextual knowledge of Angola and the SADC region.


Thanks to the facilitation of the Commissão Nacional Eleitoral of Angola, the mission members was busy engaging in fruitful meetings and working together with long-standing partner and friend, Luís Jimbo whose support and expertise towards this mission was crucial. It is the Projects ambition to hold forthcoming activities in Angola geared towards the needs that are identified during this mission.